Case study

Hawaii DOT — Using fish nets

American distillery giant, Sazerac Company

About  project

After heavy criticism from the Environmental Protection Agency for over 1 million littered 50 ml Fireball bottles, American distillery giant, Sazerac Company, turned to NewRoad®.


We utilized the waste from 200,000+ bottles with NewRoad® Custom Blend

We utilized the waste from 200,000+ bottles with NewRoad® Custom Blend

Work process and results


Collect Sazerac’s plastic waste

200,000+ plastic Fireball whiskey bottles


Develop NewRoad® Custom Blend

using collected plastic bottles


Created New Road® please customers and the EPA.

use cheap resources

get maximum benefit

Sazerac’s plastic waste

plastic collected from Sazerac’s facilities

PR value

Max Community Impact

Easy logistic

Breadth of Impact


Effective work together

Sustainability is at the core of DCNR's mission... We look forward to testing this new technology based on the expected benefits and are hopeful that it is a model for future successes in Pennsylvania.


DCNR Secretary

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